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Black Beauty Sun & Shade Grass Seed


Sun & Shade is Black Beauty's best selling grass seed as it performs exceptionally well in sun, shade, or both. This mix is perfect for overseeding and will fill in bare spots quickly to improve the appearance of an entire lawn. Sun & Shade contains the four families of cool-season turfgrasses: turf-type tall fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine fescue, making this a versatile grass seed mixture.

  • Fills in bare spots and thickens the entire lawn
  • Wide adaptability and elite varieties
  • Contain a waxy leaf coasting to preserve moisture and encourage uniform growth habit
  • 30% golconda tall fescue, 20% toltec tall fescue, 15% frontier perennial ryegrass, 15% deepblue Kentucky bluegrass, 10% singular perennial ryegrass, 10% hood chewings fescue
  • Continue watering regularly for a few weeks until the grass plants reach a high of 2-2.5 in
  • Begin mowing when grass has reached heights of 3-4 in
$19.99 - $99.99