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Bee Feed Mix Wildflower Seeds

  • Size: 1 oz


This attractive and diverse blend of annual and perennial flowers provides nectar and pollen to short and long-tongued bees and other pollinators. Contains early, mid, and late blooming flowers provide bee forage all season long. Best sown in an open area with plenty of sun. Avoid using herbicides and pesticides in your wildflower garden.  

Contains: Baby Blue Eyes, Bergamot, Blue Flax, California Poppy, China Aster, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Corn Poppy, Fleabane Daisy, Globe Gilia, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, New England Aster, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Purple Giant Hyssop, Siberian Wallflower, Sweet Alyssum, Tidy Tips.

Planting rate = 7-14 lbs./acre, 5 oz./1,000 sq. ft.


SKU: 213101