Attracting Orioles

Orioles are colorful and vocal members of the blackbird family, and they can be attracted during the warm, summer months in Massachusetts. Male Baltimore Orioles have vibrant yellow markings and are slightly smaller than robins. The Baltimore Orioles cousin, the Orchard Oriole, are smaller than the Baltimore Oriole and are less vibrant, with brown-red coloring.

The best way to attract these birds is with fresh fruit. Orioles can be enticed to visit backyard feeders with fresh fruit or berries. Given orioles, particularly Baltimore Orioles, nest on the outskirts of large open areas such as fields or yards, it is wise to place feeders accordingly. Orchard Orioles favor young woods for nests.

If you’re looking to feed these birds, it is important to buy an oriole feeder, as they will not visit a traditional birdfeeder. The height of the feeder is also an important consideration, as these birds prefer feeders that are about seven feet off of the ground. Most oriole feeders have a place for fruit, and have several cups that can hold jellies or sugar water solutions. The feeder you choose should also be orange, as orioles prefer that color.

When loading your feeder, several things are important to consider. A favorite treat of orioles is orange slices and grape jelly. Oriole nectar is also quite popular as it is easier for orioles to consume than jelly is. All of these attractants also attract ants, which are important to keep away from your feeder. The easiest way to do this is by placing orange halves in a shallow dish of water and by changing the feed daily.

This feeder and nectar, combined with some orange halves or jelly, are your best shot at attracting orioles into your own backyard!

Audubon Going Green Deluxe Oriole Feeder   Perky-Pet® Ready-to-Use Oriole Food