How to Grow Garlic
Site selection: When you choose the location of your garlic bed select an area with fertile soil and full sun, though it can survive in some shade. Make sure the soil is well cultivated/loose and bulbs have enough room that they will not be too close together.
Planting: Plant individual garlic cloves (not the whole head) with the pointed end up and in the fall after the first frost. The garlic clove should be inserted about 4” deep and approximately 1’ apart. It also helps to mulch your soil with hay or leaves in order to protect the cloves.
Harvesting: When the flower stalk appears, cut them off, otherwise the plant uses all its energy to make the flower and doesn’t make cloves. When the leaves begin to turn brown and yellow (about mid-summer) you can uproot the garlic.
Storage: Store your garlic at room temperature.
Fun Fact: Did you know that garlic helps to protect roses against red spiders and other pests?