January is for the Birds!
January is For the Birds!
Keep warm and cozy while still enjoying a fun family, winter time activity by feeding the birds in your own backyard. Set up a bird feeding station you can view from a window and watch suet loving birds like Woodpeckers, Bluebirds, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Chickadees, Nuthatches and Wrens flock to you.
An inexpensive and easy wild bird feed to use is suet. A great food source for birds during the winter, the cakes are high in calories and fat while easy for birds to digest. Suet is usually made from rendered beef fat, and can also include insects, seeds, grains, fruit and nuts. Each species of wild bird has a favorite flavor.
Suet is a Super Food
Suet is like a super food for birds and
is especially beneficial in late fall or winter when insects are scarce and
birds have higher energy needs to stay warm or to migrate. It is an easy food for
birds to grab on the go since it doesn’t have hulls or husks. Suet is a good
choice if you are worried about the mess bird feeders can make: it doesn’t
spill or sprout weeds like loose birdseed does. The most popular suet sizes are
the 4x4 and 6x6 cakes. These cakes fit into easy to load, low maintenance metal
cage suet feeders, allowing birds
to cling to the cages while they feed. Suet is also packaged in larger blocks,
pellets, balls and plugs.
Trouble with Squirrels?
If squirrels are raiding your birdfeeders try one of our hot pepper flavored suets. The squirrels will stay away because they don’t like the taste but the wild birds will not notice the flavoring at all.
Feeder Location
Place the suet cages/feeders where you can view it often from your home. It should be six feet above the ground, but close to a copse of trees, shrubs or brush so the birds can hide if predators arrive.