Safe 'N Simple Lawn Food

Blue Seal's Safe 'N Simple Lawn Food will help your lawn achieve its full potential this spring. See our recommendation here.

Safe 'N Simple Lawn Food 6-2-4

Those of us who value a healthy green lawn know the importance of amending their soil, providing the healthiest environment for our grass seed. We also don’t want to spend lots of time and money on lawn treatments that alter the soil composition, requiring constant upkeep and artificial fertilizing. Give your lawn a chance to restore its natural microbiome and allow the grass to thrive. Supporting this exchange of nutrients through use of natural fertilizers makes for a stronger lawn in the long run. 

Try Blue Seal's Safe ‘N Simple Lawn Food as a natural-based fertilizer. It’s a 6-2-4 blend of potassium sulfate, alfalfa, soybean meal, and fish meal that promotes beneficial microbial growth in the soil. One 50-lb bag covers up to 5000 sq. ft. It's easily distributed with a broadcast spreader. Ask our associates at the Co-Op about our spreader options and estimates of how many bags you might need. 

Ideally, this lawn food is designed for late Spring application and late Summer application. This schedule coincides with the growth patterns of grass on your lawn. Apply your first batch of Safe 'N Simple Lawn Food around Memorial Day. The spring application provides the base level of nutrients needed for strong root and leaf formation, giving your seed a leg up as it develops through the summer. 

Healthier plants are more likely to survive the harsh summer heat over the next few months, provided they're properly watered. Late summer is when grass thrives, but the cool nights also start to encourage crabgrass and other weeds. Take advantage of this time of year to fertilize your lawn again, helping the grass fill out any bare patches where weeds could take hold. This doubles as a way to make sure your soil isn’t entirely depleted of nutrients by fall.

The best thing about using a fertilizer like Safe 'N Simple is knowing exactly what's feeding your soil. It really is lawn food! You're not going to risk burning your grass and you won't inundate your soil with dubious chemicals just to get rid of pesky weeds. All you're doing is creating an ideal environment for grass that adapts with the change of seasons. Your lawn will thank you for keeping your environment chemical-free and safe for everyone.