Safe 'N Simple Pre-Emergence Weed Control

Blue Seal's Safe 'N Simple Pre-Emergence Weed Control will keep the weeds away this spring. Learn all about how to apply it here.

Safe 'N Simple Pre-emergence Weed Control 9-0-0

If you’re looking for a great pre-emergence weed control for your lawn, consider applying Safe 'N Simple Pre-Emergence Weed Control this spring. It is made of corn gluten meal, which doubles as a slow release nitrogen fertilizer for your soil. Corn Gluten Meal has been used as an herbicide since the 1990s and has been studied for its efficacy. If you are looking for an organic alternative to commercial herbicides, this is the product for you. 

Corn gluten meal is effective, with a caveat: The application must be carefully timed because of how it works. The application rate is 20lbs per 1000 sq. ft. This is a pretty heavy application, heavier than most commercial herbicides. Corn meal gluten is about 10% nitrogen by weight and will act as a nitrogen fertilizer in your lawn for 5-6 weeks after application.

When we say it’s a pre-emergence herbicide, that means it’s a root inhibitor. The weeds will still germinate and develop a green shoot. But the corn gluten meal stops the roots from growing. The weeds can’t absorb any water and die off quickly after that. Corn gluten meal  will prevent the growth of weeds in this manner, but also grass seeds, which is why if you’re reseeding your lawn this spring, consider using another weed inhibitor.

As you can see, corn gluten meal does not work by harming the seeds or soil. It prevents the freshly germinated weeds from developing roots, killing them before they’re established in the ground. If you apply corn gluten meal after the weeds develop roots, it won’t kill the weeds. Instead, the nitrogen-rich corn gluten will act as a fertilizer for the weeds they were supposed to kill.

Corn gluten meal must be applied before germination, when the ground temperature is 50 degrees and the forsythias have started to bloom (that’s when weeds will begin to germinate).

This is how it works: you put down the corn meal with the proper ratio for the size of your lawn. One 50-lb bag will cover up to 2500 square feet. The corn gluten meal must be watered in for the proper effect. It works its way into the soil, where the proteins in the corn meal gluten prevent root growth when plants germinate.

After initial application, the soil needs a chance to dry out. This is the most important part of the process. If it rains after the weeds have germinated, they’ll grow roots anyway and feed on all the nitrogen from the corn meal gluten. You’ll have tall and healthy weeds instead! So, it’s very important that the soil dry out for at least a week from application. If your weather forecast predicts an exceptionally rainy week, you'll have to push the application later to make sure you don't accidentally boost weeds instead.

If applied correctly and with the proper timing, Safe N' Simple is a very effective pre-emergence weed control that sets you up for success. Pair it up with Blue Seal's Safe N' Simple Lawn Food for a lush and healthy lawn.

Further Reading: 

Corn Gluten Meal: Good News for Gardeners | Horticulture and Home Pest News (

How To Use Corn Meal Gluten - Nick Christians, Iowa State University