Flawn Micro Clover Seed Pouches
by: Flowering Lawn
Turn your lawn into a flowering lawn, beneficial for pollinators and the soil microbiome. Micro Clover (Trifolium repens var. pipolina) is ready to be over-seeded into existing grass lawn areas.
Micro Clover blooms significanly smaller than white clover. It is shade-tolerant and resistant to foot traffic and pet activity, which makes it a great option for families with kids and pets. It grows above-ground roots that choke out weeds like dandelions over time. Apply at higher rates for quicker effect. Clover also fixes atmospheric nitrogen into the ground, reducing the need for continuous fertilizing.
Seed in spring, late summer, or early fall. Spread over existing grass after mowing to .5" and raking to loosen soil. Water lightly but frequently after seeding, so soil and seedlings don't dry out. Continue to mow for one year at 2-3" until flowers are fully established.
Continue to mow your lawn regularly for the first season to keep the grass from overtaking the seedlings. Regular mowing at 2-4” is necessary to maintain smaller leaves, though this results in fewer flower blooms. Without regular mowing, the clovers will produce larger leaves and more blooms. Watering through hot and dry periods may also be necessary. Packaging is recyclable.
Contains 100% Trifolium repens var. pipolina seed.