Bonide Systemic Insect Control Concentrate
- Size: 1 pint
by: Bonide
Bonide Systemic Insect Control kills insects quickly contact and systemically through ingestion. Concentrated formula makes up to 16 gallons from one pint, and can be mixed with fungicides or fertilizer for application. For use on ornamental plants, shrubs, trees, and flowers.
Effective on Aphids, Armyworms, Bagworms, Black Vine Weevil, Budworms, Cankerworms, Cuban Laurel Thrips, Flower Thrips, Grasshoppers, Gypsy Moths, Japanese Beetles, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Leaftiers, Loopers, Mealybugs, Pine Tip Moths, Psyllids, Root Weevils, RoseMidges, Sawflies, spittlebugs, Scale (crawlers), Tent Caterpillars, Webworms, and many more.