Writable EZ Leg Bands
- Count: 24 Pieces
by: Happy Hen Treats
Bands are used to differentiate birds at poultry shows, exhibitions, and fairs. Can help identify age, bloodlines, and brood status and assist in telling birds apart from nearby flocks. Easy to personalize with a permanent marker and much easier to apply than traditional poultry bands.
- Small fits most standard breed chickens around 2 weeks of age, most Bantam breeds, pheasants and large pigeons
- Medium typically fits Ancona, Araucana, Faverolle, Fayoumi, Hamburg, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Mille Fleur, Polish and Silkie hens
- Large typically fits Ameraucana, Andalusian, Australorp, Barnevelder, Buff Orpington, Cochin, Cornish, Frizzle-Feather Legged, Jersey Giant, New Hampshire Red, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Sussex, Welsummer and Wyandotte hens
- males may require larger size
$5.09 - $5.94